What can happen to me if I am caught driving with no auto insurance?

Driving without insurance in Zeeland, MI is serious and can lead to serious consequences. At Ottawa Insurance Agency, we want to make sure you have the insurance you need, not just to comply with the law but to protect your interests.

Criminal Consequences

The most serious consequence you may be facing if you are caught driving without insurance in Michigan is up to a year of jail time.  The offense goes on your criminal record just like any other crime and will show up in a background check.


The judge can decide how much to fine you. The minimum fine is $200, and the maximum is $500. Even if you pay your fine, you could also face jail time in addition to the fines.

Driver’s License Suspension

If you are found to be driving without insurance, the Michigan Secretary of State can suspend your driving privileges until you have the proper insurance. That means no driving to work, school, or anywhere else.

Non Renewal of License Plates

Any vehicle under your name can not be registered until you provide proof of insurance. This counts for renewals too.

Responsibility For Anything That Happens During an Accident

This can affect you more than any of the other consequences. If you do not have insurance during an accident, you cannot sue the driver who caused the accident, and you will be expected to pay for your own medical expenses.

Consult With Us

Zeeland, MI drivers have a choice about what kind of insurance they want and how much coverage they think they need. Beyond the minimal legal requirements, there are several other options. Call Ottawa Insurance Agency today if you would like to learn more so you can make an informed decision.

Commercial Insurance: What to Know About Worker’s Compensation

Commercial Insurance is a big part of our business here at Ottawa Insurance Agency, including worker’s compensation insurance. Worker’s compensation is a mandated type of insurance that all Zeeland, MI businesses need to have. It’s designed to ensure employees who suffer work-related illnesses and injuries get the finances they need to recover, but employers also benefit from this style of commercial insurance.

Commercial Insurance: How Businesses Benefit From Worker’s Compensation

  • Financial protection all around. Worker’s compensation pays out injured or sick employees in exchange for the employer paying a set premium per employee. Yet, by ensuring that workers are paid out when needed, this style of commercial insurance protects employers from carrying the weight of such potentially excessive costs on their own, out-of-pocket.
  • Legal protection. Without worker’s compensation, employees may find themselves needing to file a lawsuit in order to get the financial compensation they need to heal following an accident. Worker’s compensation insurance and worker’s compensation laws significantly limit an employee’s ability to sue for a worksite injury or incident (with the exception of cases related to negligence). This legal protection further protects the finances of a business, ensuring it can continue to operate following an incident.
  • Employee morale and retention. Strong worker’s compensation insurance and policies show employees that a business cares about them and that their needs will be covered in the event of a workplace injury or illness.

Reach Out To Us

Every business is mandated to have worker’s compensation insurance by state and federal law, but there are choices here as with other types of commercial insurance. Contact our team at Ottawa Insurance Agency to learn more and to talk with a friendly representative about getting the best commercial insurance package for your Zeeland, MI business. 

How Home Insurance Protects Against Storm Damage

Admittedly, even the best home insurance policy our agents at Ottawa Insurance Agency can put together can’t control the weather and thus can’t prevent storm damage from happening. But what our insurance policies can do is help homeowners get back on their feet fast, ensuring storm damage is promptly taken care of and not sitting and leading to more costly repairs further down the line.

Not sure? Consider the following ways a strong home insurance policy can protect one of your greatest assets, your home:

How Home Insurance Protects Against Storm Damage

When a storm hits your Zeeland, MI home, the first thing is to get safe. Then, after it has passed, you want to do what you can to assess the level of damage. Take pictures and start documenting. Then, call your insurer who will help ensure you get the finances you need to repair or even rebuild your home.

A good home insurance policy will help get you back on your feet by offering the following coverage:

  • Dwelling Coverage that insures the physical structure of your home, including flooring, walls, and roofing.
  • Personal Property Coverage that insures sensitive, valuable, and expensive personal belongings, including electronics and clothing.
  • Additional Living Expenses Coverage that offers reimbursements on money you might need to spend while your home is being repaired or rebuilt, including lodging and partial food costs. 
  • Debris Removal Coverage that offers reimbursements on money you might need to spend to remove storm debris — which does get expensive.

Learn More About Home Insurance Options at Ottawa Insurance Agency

Ready to see all of the options on a home insurance policy covering your Zeeland, MI home? Give one of our friendly insurance agents at Ottawa Insurance Agency a call today and let’s get started!